Saturday, 7 April 2012

Three Clarity Grades – Tested and approved!

Remember a week ago Monday when I suggested that we should have three clarity grades?  Some mistook my intention for pricing based on three levels, but my intention was to suggest selling three levels of clarities; each of which have different price-points within based upon traditional grades.  To review the video, click HERE.

At a restyle and design show this week, I had a client ask about buying a diamond which had “nothing visible to the naked eye in it.”  When it came down to price versus size and I showed her a beautiful SI2 just slightly larger than what she told me she wanted.  She confirmed this diamond as both “amazingly beautiful” and “eye-clean”.  She didn’t need any more info than that.  That was the extent of our 4-Cs presentation.

She had a clue about what she wanted in diamond quality.  We were having so much fun personalizing the style to suit her that diamond quality became a secondary concern.  I’ve spoken with many of you who have had similar experiences.  Bravo.  Give yourselves a pat on the back.

Once again, I don’t encourage being evasive about diamond quality information.  Give it as needed, but always quickly return to romancing the design and the occasion. 

I want you all to recognize and appreciate when and how you make sales without commoditizing the diamond.  Every time that successfully happens, talk about it with your coworkers.  Every time a sale gets side-tracked by the paralysis of analysis, and the diamond becomes commoditized, talk about that too.  Work toward more of the former and less of the latter.

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