Monday, 20 August 2012

Let's Hear From You

I told my new friend Daniel Ford from JCK Magazine that I had the smartest, hardest working jewellers in Canada (and beyond) on my subscriber list.  Some of you are real whiz-bangs in social media, so here’s what I need from you.  Please tell me one thing that you’ve done or are planning to do with social media in order to contribute to a fantastically prosperous Christmas selling season.  I’ll put together two or three of your ideas and include them in the “snippet” I’ve been asked to write.  Susan, Sandy & Scooter, I await your reply among others…

If you’re not actively using social media as part of your overall marketing plan, consider the cost of joining the local golf and country club.  In many places it costs thousands of dollars to join, and hundreds or thousands more annually.  You get to buddy-up with people who have the means to join and therefore are likely to afford nice jewellery. 

What if you could join a club for free where both current and future affluent jewellery clients can be found?  Well, that’s Facebook.  The members of that club will include those who you invite and those who you attract – for free.  If you give away a few contest prizes to attract followers or engage your “club,” I’m sure the cost will fall well short of a country club membership.

Socially yours,


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