Sunday, 19 August 2012

Shows Done, Travel Begins

At the completion of the Westen Canadian Jewellery Expo, my busy travel season begins.  There have been two robberies over the past couple of days; one of which was related to the jewellery show.  Watch for details from JVC.  Once my samples are returned to Vancouver, and made ready, I’ll be heading out on my Fall rounds.  As I prepare, I’d like to talk to you all about security. 

-When possible offer back-office viewings for all travellers, regardless of what you perceive to be the value of their samples.
-Always offer to walk a traveller out to their car or at least watch them from your door with a phone in your hand.
-You don’t want to be the only one who knows timing and location for a traveller who is robbed, so don’t ask about specific travel plans or hotels.  Let us be as covert as possible.
-Avoid discussing identity or travel plans of sales reps with visitors to your store.  It’s an old trick for a thief to say, “hey, I think I went to school with her/him.  What was their name again?”
-If you have room in your vault, offer to keep valuables locked-up overnight.  Travellers have to accompany their sample cases 24/7 except when securely stored (insurance permitting.)

I think the retailers I serve have excellent security habits, so let’s keep it up by sharing these practices with newer staff.

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