Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Connect for Success

Many people spend huge dollars looking for secrets of success in selling.  Some people just seem to be able to strike-up a conversation with anyone and immediately make a connection.  A friendly personal connection doubles or triples your chance at making a sale!

This is why I’m worried about the next generation.  Younger folks who interact in 144 character sentences with improper grammar develop stunted communication skills and superficial relationships.  Time spent in front of highly addictive video-games, television or social networking sites (I’m one to talk!!!)  takes away from time living and experiencing our world. 

The secret to connecting for success is to GET A LIFE.  You can’t buy it, you can’t learn it and no success coach can give it to you.  Think of conversations that develop around a dinner table, pub table, or in your store.  Someone says “I was in an accident last week and my neck’s a little stiff.”  The next person says, “My dad was driving through an intersection and I was in the passenger seat when I noticed a car coming straight towards me…”  Everyone seems to have an experience that says, “you’re not alone.  I’ve been there too.  I can relate.”  If someone says they just came from the curling rink, even one who only knows a little bit about curling can still ask, “who are you cheering for in the Briar (or the Scotties Tournament of Hearts)” and open a lively conversation.

I’m not suggesting that you get into a motor vehicle accident or memorize curling stats.  I worked for a very intelligent man who had travelled the world.  When he met someone with an accent, he surprisingly often knew a bit about their home country (and/or had spent time there) and could speak a few words in their native language.  How many tourists visit a country without learning a single word and become indignant that their hosts refuse to serve them in our own tongue?  Don’t be that tourist.  Be the one who learns a bit about the culture and takes the time to learn a few words and phrases.  Apply the same to various sports, activities, community events, vocations, pop-culture, television shows, consumer products, music, arts and anything that your target audience might be interested in. 

People who you want to sell to, people who you need a loan from and people who are instrumental in the success of your children are all people looking for someone to connect with.  Be a life-long learner.  It takes a lifetime.  Get a life.  Start today.

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