Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The Home Stretch

The Home Stretch

Black Friday’s done, and there are only 40 more shopping days before Christmas.  When I was on the sales floor, there was nothing like those last couple of days before Christmas!  I loved the way desperate men would come into the jewellery store tapping their credit card on their palm while seeking-out a last minute Christmas gift for their wives.  It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Now that I look back on it, I’m thinking it should looked at as “sad,” not “exciting.”  I wonder how many of those poor sods could have been coached into shopping earlier when the selection was better.  I wonder if I greedily took their money without giving them a great jewellery buying experience.  I wonder how many times I allowed them to buy something that was a mismatch for her long-term jewellery wardrobe development.

Today’s probably a good time to start calling known clients and encouraging them to shop early.
  • ·      We’ve just received the last of our big Christmas orders, so selection is best
  • ·      With a small deposit we can hold it until closer to Christmas
  • ·      We have more time to spend with you at this time of year
  • ·      You’ll be a hero if he/she opens-up one of these hot new designs on Christmas morning
  • ·      Let’s get your Christmas shopping out of the way before the crowds get ridiculous
  • ·      Only 40 more shopping days.  If we don’t have exactly what you want there’s still time to customize or personalize something special for you
  • ·      You can beat everyone to see our largest selection of the year

Add you own talking points for those calls, but have them handy.  Read the over a few times before engaging in conversations.  You’ve even got time to go to them if outside sales are permissible.  Rather than wait for the Christmas rush to come to you, run to it!  Make it happen for yourself.  If you end-up with a little bit of extra time to actually work with clients on the 23rd and 24th, you’ll be better able to give them a great experience.

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